Real Estate Sector
Keep track of your all properties, constructions, real estate, spaces,leases and work orders from an integrated dashboard.
A real estate management solution should effectively integrate activities related to investment and constructions, repairs & maintenance and lease & space management.
Get the technical support you need to efficiently run your property operations. Generate more revenue with optimized processes that deliver better solutions to the property consultants and buyers.
With shrinking availability of physical space, technology-enabled real estate service providers are going to rule the markets.
Our solutions make use of industry best practices to let you optimize your work processes for best efficiency. Minimize costs, mitigate risk and comply with statutory regulations with centralized access to data, documents and information.
Clients We Served
Solutions Offering
Experience the power of complete real estate management lifecycle with our solutions built and delivered with flexibility, enabling you to choose the level of structure you need. Manage your space administration and recurring lease activities in an efficient way.
Enterprise Resource Planning
Customer Relationship Management
Information Management System
Project Management System
Supply Chain Management
Facility Management
Resource Management
Lease Management
Portfolio Management
Why Should You Choose Flexsin?
- Do business better: We offer insightful solutions using best practices based on our deep industry expertise and adoption of newest technological and marketing innovations.
- Industry focused solutions: Flexsin has teams of seasoned professionals that quickly relate to customer concerns and offer exceptional customized solutions with timely results.
- Security of data: Brainstorming on data security threats is common in boardroom discussions. With our cloud storage solutions and multiple layers of security and privileged access rights.
- Real-time interactive communication: Our project managers work to your convenience as per local time zone all over the world.
- Tight integration of operational and financial information for process efficiency.
- Control, monitor and manage processes of whole organization efficiently.
- Inter-portability with third party applications.
- Scalable and customizable.
- Real time access to accurate information and intelligent reporting.
- Project management, customer relationship management and supply chain management.
- Better and faster informed decision making.