Flexsin Blog » User Experience Design https://www.flexsin.com/blog A Flexsin Technologies Web Blog Fri, 13 Dec 2024 10:51:14 +0000 en hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.2.1 How Important Are Typography And Web Fonts To Put Across The Right Message https://www.flexsin.com/blog/how-important-are-typography-and-web-fonts-to-put-across-the-right-message/ https://www.flexsin.com/blog/how-important-are-typography-and-web-fonts-to-put-across-the-right-message/#comments Fri, 25 Jan 2019 13:46:57 +0000 Deepak https://www.flexsin.com/blog/?p=3827 Typography in Web DesignAs a lot of data on the internet is consumed in text form, that way, web typography becomes a vital element for the success of website or online business. Web designers need to devise a clear font and typography strategy to put across the right message to the right audience.

We will begin our discussion with the key technical terms of typography and web fonts. These include:

  • Font family: These are identical fonts that differ in stroke thickness and use of italics.
  • Typography: This is all about designing text for the web, and includes font color, character spacing, alignment, size and line spacing.
  • Font and typeface: It refers to a set of letters, symbols and punctuation marks of similar design.
  • Style guide: This includes typography, color choices and writing style to create a consistent experience for the website visitors.

Reinforcing the structure of displayed content

Using too many fonts on website can result in a negative visitor experience, so ideally, your website should not have more than four types of fonts. The font should fit the personality of your website and tone of your message. Use fonts of different sizes for heading, subheadings and paragraphs to reinforce the structure of the content as the reader moves from top to bottom, or sideways. Some designers prefer to use serif fonts for headings, and non-serif fonts for paragraphs.

White space for breathability in reading

Attention needs to be paid to the alignment and spacing of text that can be controlled with CSS. One also needs to provide breathing room in the web content by maintaining white spaces. Use generous line height spacing, intersperse content with graphics and lists, and spread out blocks of text to improve the readability of your content.

Setting font properties with CSS

Set all the font properties using CSS and globally apply them on the entire webpage to make the font color compatible with a global background color. Serif and sans fonts are commonly used for webpages as they render well on most devices and their capability to fall back to default web safe fonts make them the right choice for designers. Web safe fonts are supported by the majority of operating systems and browsers. These include:

  • Web safe serif fonts such as Time New Roman and Georgia
  • Web safe sans-serif fonts, such as Verdana, Tahoma and Arial
  • Web safe specialty fonts, such a Papyrus and Copperplate
  • Web safe mono space fonts, such as Lucida Sans Typewriter and Courier New

Mono space fonts that consume same amount of horizontal space are best suited to display a block of computer programming code while descriptive styles are commonly used for logos, page titles and navigation menu labels.

Building a font stack

However, all browsers can’t render many types of fonts, so one needs to build a font stack using font-family CSS property. Typically, a font stack includes the below three elements:

  • A web font
  • A fallback generic font and
  • Generic font family for the browser to select font from the available ones.

A font stack may look like:

P { font-family: “Open Sans”, Calibri, sans-serif; }

In case the web browser can’t render Open Sans, it will try Calibri which is supported by almost all devices. However, it will open sans-serifs for the people using unsupported devices.

Web fonts are of two types:

Self-hosted fonts

These are hosted along with your website files. A CSS at-rule is used to load the web fonts already existing on your server.

CDN-hosted fonts

We have below three services that host fonts on public facing content delivery system:

  • Google Fonts: It includes 700 font families
  • Typekit: It comes bundled with Adobe Creative Suite and includes over 1000 font families
  • Adobe Eagle Web Fonts: This free Adobe service includes 500 font families

Web Typography and HTML Elements

It is important to know how different HTML elements impact the appearance of webpage text. We have below HTML elements that come into play when it comes to web typography:

  • Text-Grouping Elements: These include paragraphs, headings, lists and tables.
  • Text-Level Semantics: These elements are used on the text inside a parent text-grouping element. These are used for their semantic meaning, not for the purpose of visual presentation.

Text Styling

This includes the use of various font properties like font-style, font-weight, line-height, font-variant and font size. These elements can be used for paragraph styling to render the paragraphs in a particular style.

Other text styling properties include:

  • Text-decoration: It is often used for underling the text and its default value is none.
  • Text-shadow: This styling property is used to add shadow behind the selected text. The values need to be ordered from horizontal offset to vertical offset and then blur to color.
  • Text-transform: This property is used to transform the way the selected text is used.

Working on these web designing elements is not easy, and getting them right is crucial to convey the right message to your audience in a right manner. So, one needs to master one’s skills in web fonts, typography and website designing to put the right message across.

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Mastering The Strategies Of Corporate Identity With Design Principles https://www.flexsin.com/blog/mastering-the-strategies-of-corporate-identity-with-design-principles/ https://www.flexsin.com/blog/mastering-the-strategies-of-corporate-identity-with-design-principles/#comments Fri, 24 Aug 2018 12:49:51 +0000 Deepak https://www.flexsin.com/blog/?p=3594 Corporate IdentityJust as your personal identity makes you unique, your corporate identity is what sets you apart from the rest. It is about the look and feel of a business and helps a customer distinguish a brand from the others. Corporate identity is the image that the brand’s customers, investors, general public and employees have about it. Corporate identity provides a bigger picture of all the visual and aesthetic aspects of a business to the audience.  A corporate identity exercise involves modernizing a brand’s visual image in terms of logo, design and collaterals.

Corporate identity changes can be accompanied by the widespread changes in quality, service standards and organizational culture.

We now move to understand the difference between brand and branding, how these two are related to a corporate identity strategy.

What is a Brand?

A brand is what perceptions, ideas and feelings the consumers have about a company. For example, while there are many furniture brands out there, when it comes to stylish and affordable furniture, people immediately associate themselves with IKEA.

What Branding Means?

It involves the active process of shaping the perception that the consumers have about a brand. The process includes the steps taken to build awareness and reputation of a company which is very much the part of branding activities.  Branding strategies require taking deliberate and consistent efforts in which the message, visuals and tone need to follow the goals an organization is trying to build up.

While branding relates to the emotional relationship between the customers and a company, corporate Identity relates to representation of how a corporation views itself and how it wishes to portray itself to the public which includes customers, employees, investors and collaborators. While brand name evokes the emotion of reliability and trust in a business, identity speaks of the product’s individual quality.

Corporate identity is considered a subset of branding because your logo, fonts and colors are all parts of the visual expression of your brand.

Basic design Principles

There are some designing principles that allow a web desgin company to create a design that is captivating and puts across the right message to the audience. Here are some of the basic design principles for designers to make their designing project stand out:


Have a clear idea of what you want to communicate in your work. Organize the information and make a design that communicates that order effectively. If brand logo or name is most important to you, display it in the strongest and boldest type.

Balance and Alignment

Every element of a design has a weight that comes from size, color and texture. It is important to achieve balance in the light and heavy elements of your composition. Symmetrical designs are always pleasing and provide balance with equally weighted elements placed on either side of line of symmetry.


Make sure that you give extra weight visually to your key message. This is called hierarchy and can be achieved by using shapes to frame the focal point and conspicuously placing the right message at the right place.


This helps tying the different elements together to keep them consistent and organized. Repetition is important for branding as it will make your specific look immediately recognizable.


Space provides a resting place for the eyes and helps the viewer conveniently navigate through the design. Less amount of space will make the design look too crowded while too much of it will make your design appear unfinished.


Contrast creates space and difference among various elements of a design. Background and other elements of the design should work harmoniously and enhance visualization and readability. So, make the background significantly different from the other element colors. Two strong fonts are effective in creating strong contrast.


Movement helps the eyes move from one element to the next with the information properly flowing and communicated. It provides a narrative to the design you create.


This design principle helps the designers approach a work in sections, instead of as a whole. All elements of the design should be well-sized and thoughtfully placed. Once you figure out proper balance, alignment and contrast, proportion would be reflected organically.

Using the Principles of Design

The elements of a design are its aspects that collectively tell a story to the viewers. Before starting your work, you need to get yourself familiarized with the key design principles mentioned above. Then, you can play around these principle or even break a couple of them to create your own unique signature style of design.

Logo and Logo Design

Logo design is crucial for the corporate identity of a business. Logo is a unique icon that represents a company in the markets and helps convey the business message in visual form. This graphic element succinctly and quickly identifies a company among the crowd. A logo visually represents a company, product or service in a memorable way. Logo is an integral part of successful brand positioning, and should be strategically created keeping in mind the tone, visual appeal and positioning of the brand. A logo is the perception a person gets about the personality of a business on seeing it.

Simplicity and Clarity of Logo Design

The accomplished logo designer Lindon Laser once said that a great logo design is built up of simplicity and clarity. These two elements are crucial for the designing of a successful logo. A logo design should reflect the essence of the business. To bring out this essence, the logo designers make use of various tools and designing principles. While designing a logo, one should keep the positive attributes and goals of a business in mind.

Key elements of a logo design are:

  • Custom typography
  • Shape and style
  • Font choice and color
  • Calligraphy
  • Illustration style, and
  • Historical reference

All these elements help communicate a brand’s message to the audience in a subtle yet strong manner.
Logos are categorized as:

1. Standalone Symbols

Examples: Logos of Apple and McDonald’s

2. Logotypes or Wordmarks

Examples: Logos of Google and Coca Cola

3. Combination of Symbol and Type

Examples: Logos of AT&T and Master Card

However, identity creation is an ongoing process and if a particular logo fails to bond with the customers then you should ponder over the complete revamping or change of the logo altogether.

Design and Art

Design differs from art in that it has to have a purpose. Keeping the above design principles in focus, a designer can create an effective composition that cleanly delivers the intended message to the audience.

Letter Head

It may be a paperless world but letterhead is invariably needed by a business. Even the digital documents have letter head.  A letterhead is as important as a brand, in that it represents a company and can impart a first impression to its potential customers. Therefore, a letterhead must look professional, otherwise people might assume the business is less competent and not one they want to have any dealings with. You need to choose a theme appropriate to your business and it should be designed to your specifications. The letterhead needs to be infused with your brand’s personality. A letterhead helps build a business’s identity by delivering distinct messages that make an impression.

The Final Thought

Corporate identity is the face of a business that makes it stand apart among the crowd. Following these corporate identity rules, and branding and designing principles, businesses can carve a niche for themselves in the markets. Corporate identity is crucial for online visibility and success of a business, that’s why successful businesses always invest time and resources in maintaining their online corporate identity and reputation.

Contact Flexsin for your corporate identity solutions and our experts will work to bring out the best for you by creating a corporate identity that reflects your true business ethos and values.

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Merits And Principles Of Material Design For Apps Development https://www.flexsin.com/blog/merits-and-principles-of-material-design-for-apps-development/ https://www.flexsin.com/blog/merits-and-principles-of-material-design-for-apps-development/#comments Mon, 09 Apr 2018 14:09:28 +0000 Deepak https://www.flexsin.com/blog/?p=3319 Material designing

What is Material Design?

Google’s exciting Material Design has been a rapidly growing trend among the designers. It’s a visual design language created for Google’s new OS that synthesizes the classic principles of good design with the innovation and possibility of science and technology. Material design is a unified system that combines resources, theory and tools to craft immersive digital experiences.

Here are the nine principles on which Google has created its colorful Material Design interface.

Material is the metaphor: It provides a unifying theory of rationalized space and a system of motion. Flexibility of the material offers new affordances that supersede those of the physical world.

Surfaces are intuitive: Surfaces and edges offer the visual cues that define our experiences of reality. The use of familiar tactile attributes allows us to quickly understand affordances.

One adaptive design: A single underlying design system is important for organizing space and interactions. While each device provides a different view of the same underlying system, iconography, colors, spatial relationships and hierarchy remain unchanged.

Dimensional interactivity: Surface, light and movement are crucial for the interaction of objects. Realistic lighting fragments space, displays seams and indicates the movement of the parts.

Surface, color and iconography: Essence of experience design is user action. Their primary actions that serve as inflection points help transform the whole design. Their emphasis provides waypoint for the user and makes core functionality immediately accessible.

Content is bold and intentional: Visual elements like typography, scale, space, grids, imagery and color create hierarchy, meaning and focus. Edge-to-edge imagery, color choices and intentional white space create a bold and graphic interface that immerses the users in the experience.

Choreographed animation: All actions take place in a single environment. Even as the objects transform and reorganize, they are provided to the user without breaking the continuity.

Motion provides meaning: The whole design is transformed with the actions of primary user that initiate motion. Motion maintains continuity; transitions are efficient and coherent while feedback is subtle yet clear.

Users initiate change: User actions derive changes in the interface. Motion cascading from touch reinforces the user as the prime mover.

Material Environment

The material environment is made up of 3D space in which all objects have x, y and z dimensions. The z axis is aligned perpendicular to the plane of the display. Z-axis is used for the purpose of layering on the web, and not for perspective. By manipulating the y axis, 3D world can be emulated.

The three-dimensional environment of material design consists of material, light and cast shadows. While all material objects have x, y and z dimensions, they have single z axis position. Shadows are created due to the difference in elevation of the overlapping material. Ambient light creates soft shadows, key light creates directional shadows while virtual light illuminates the scene. In Android development, shadow is created when the source of light is blocked by the sheets of material at different positions along the z axis.

Usability and Accessibility

Accessibility design makes it possible for the users of varying capabilities to understand, navigate and use the UI in an easy way. The built in accessibility of the material design helps accommodate the users of all abilities, including those having cognitive impairments, low vision or blindness, and hearing impairments.

The app’s UI should be simplified with:

  • Adequate contrast and size
  • Clearly visible elements
  • Easy navigation, and
  • Clear hierarchy of importance.

Accessible color palette, contrast ratios, sound and motion, timed control, style, layout, hierarchy and focus are the other key accessibility elements that require due consideration There should be support for assistive technology to improve and maintain the functional capabilities of the individuals with disabilities.


User interfaces for RTL languages (those read from right to left) such as Arabic and Hebrew should be mirrored for easy understanding. When a UI is mirrored Left to Right (LTR) or Right to Left (RTL), following changes occur.

  • Icons with text field are displayed on the opposite side of a field.
  • Text translated to an RTL language is aligned to the right.
  • Arrows of the icons that communicate direction are mirrored.
  • Navigation buttons are displayed in reverse order.

Why Material Design?

Application design is responsible for the first impressions of the user and helps in determining whether or not a particular application will be chosen over others. On the other hand, Material Design defines the way an app should look like and behave. It is one of the most influential visual philosophies in design. Due to its clear design and usability, material design is shaping the way people view and interact with the interfaces. Nevertheless, material design goes beyond the Android and Google apps. Designers are using this philosophy in multiple ways, especially for layered interfaces.

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A Robust UX Process Creates Transformative User Experience https://www.flexsin.com/blog/a-robust-ux-process-creates-transformative-user-experience/ https://www.flexsin.com/blog/a-robust-ux-process-creates-transformative-user-experience/#comments Fri, 15 Dec 2017 14:26:32 +0000 Deepak https://www.flexsin.com/blog/?p=3179 Web Design company

User experience, or UX, is the most unheard yet important part of the design process that will not be brought up until something goes wrong. UX is the backbone of the design process because it is about how users feel when they are interacting with a specific digital product. UX is used in everything ranging from product conceptualization and visualization to the final product. The concept of UX comprises accessibility, usability, design or aesthetics, performance, ergonomics, marketing, and overall human interaction.

Good user experience is about creating emotions, connections, and intuition inside users whenever they land on a website or an app or any other digital asset. And, then, there has to be a well-defined process for building result-driven experience. So is there a cut-and-dried process for building empowering user experience every time? Well, not exactly.

There is no one-size-fits-all experience, and the process of building it completely depends on the project, the budget, the deadline, and the audience. There is no specific process of designing empowering user experience, but the most common phases involved in a robust experience-designing process are given below.


The design and development of user experience begin at the strategy level and affects the entire design lifecycle. This process starts by developing a strategy that lets the designers understand the existing business model, research about the end-users, and explain how a specific service can fit inside a user’s perspective. A strategy that underpins user experience will easily shape the design project’s overall goals such as:

  • What is the organization trying to achieve with this specific project?
  • How does UX’s success need to be measured?
  • What is the UX’s priority within the grand scheme of things?

Techniques Used During The Strategy Phase

Competitor Analysis

This is a proven strategy that is used for performing a review or audit of all the competing apps or websites; apart from being used for strategic planning, this analysis is even implemented in the research phase. This strategy is even deployed for carrying out the user testing of all the competing web properties and for writing the reports to summarize the entire competitive landscape.

This phase includes the following tasks.

  • Purchasing or downloading or signing up for different digital assets that compete with a business’s own product and seeing how they work.
  • Carrying out the user-testing sessions of these products will even deliver valuable insights.

Analytics Review

This is one of the most-used strategies that are implemented for analyzing the web or mobile usage data and for making different recommendations. Again, this strategy is not only limited to be used in the strategic phases; other than this, it is also implemented in the research phase.

While executing the analytics review, these following tasks are performed.

  • All the analytics packages offer key reports on visitor demographics, frequently visited pages, bounce rates, and much more.
  • Here, instructional content will be added to interpret web analytics in the coming time.

Customer Product Insights

Once again, interactions with customer are done in both strategic and research phases. In this part, a well-defined strategy is implemented for connecting with all the key contacts that can help in client organization funding or selling or in driving the product to the completion stage.

During the interviews with important customers, the following objectives should be kept in mind.

  • All the interviews should work well for experiencing the right insights from internal customers.
  • These insights help get the most actionable insights into brand values.


Also known as the discovery phase, this period is the most volatile one because it changes as per project requirements. Complex projects will always include specific competitor- and user-research activities. However, there are small startup websites that may skip all the comprehensive research activities other than a survey or informal interviews. Most designers believe that the research phase is one of the most crucial parts of developing informed UX. Now, here are the most popular techniques that are used in the UX research phase.

Techniques Used During The Research Phase

Contextual Enquiry

While making different contextual enquiries, UX designers should interview various users about the location where they will be using their apps or websites. This will help the designers come up with a design that can let the prospective users overcome their mobility challenges while using the app or website or any other web property.

In carrying out contextual enquiries, the UX team can achieve the following tasks.

  • Examine the physical setting where the client’s digital assets will be used; the physical setting includes environment and location.
  • If the contextual enquiries are conducted successfully, the UX team will get the added requirements that will clearly define various other project requirements.


Surveys are doubtlessly becoming the most accepted tool for UX designers. Developing a cutting-edge survey is just like designing an immersive user experience. These surveys are a complete waste of money, time, and other resources if the users, or audiences, are not at all at the heart of the entire process.

The UX designers should carefully craft an effective survey that achieves these tasks.

  • Gathering feedback from users on the product idea.
  • Exploring all the different reasons why prospective users will use the client’s digital asset.

Content Audit

While working on any specific redesign project involving any mobile site, intranet, or website, the UX designers will sure want content-heavy changes to be implemented. During such times, the key task is of content auditing. This research part becomes all the more important whenever a content-heavy website needs to be redesigned.

With a good content audit, expect UX designers to do the following tasks.

  • Listing the site’s existing content in a big spreadsheet.
  • Identifying different relationships within various content structures.


The main aim of the analysis phase is to get the right insights from the data that was collected during the UX research phase. In the analysis phase, all the collected data lets UX designers understand which of the points can help them design and develop experience that will be loved by the website or app users. Communicating the understanding of the designers to the end-users will help validate any assumptions that are made by the design team.

Techniques Used During The Analysis Phase

Heuristic Review

This is one of the most important reviews performed during the analysis period. In the heuristic review, evaluate an app or a website to document all the usability flaws along with other key areas of improvement. This study is basically about finding and documenting the scope of improvements in the usability of a UX design. Used in research and analysis phases, this step is implemented by every leading web designing company.

If the heuristic review is implemented correctly, the following goals will be achieved.

  • Checking the usability of a site or an app by developing an exhaustive checklist.
  • Defining a road map for improving ROI through building a powerful UX design.

User Testing

User testing lets UX designers know exactly how all the different parts of their website or app are functioning. In this phase, the designers will let several users sit in front of their designed digital product and test it in real time. Actually, user testing will be used in a variety of phases other than analysis such as design, production, and research.

Here are a few benefits of analyzing through user testing.

  • Getting quality feedback from users can help businesses stave off several losses and bring down costs.
  • Knowing all the probable areas where the asset’s prospective customers can get stuck.

Use Case

A use case is a well-built list of all the steps that can define the interaction between a system and its users. Use cases, when deployed for developing software, are even constructed in the form of UML that has the defined actors with their respective roles.

The two top benefits of working with use cases in UX designing are mentioned below.

  • Through well-built use cases, designers will know a lot about actual users and their goals.
  • This technique even helps in developing concrete design requirements.


Any UX project’s design phase is one of the most collaborative areas that involve the right ideas and inputs from a variety of audiences. In this phase, the designers create attractive, user-friendly designs that are modified as per user feedback. The main goal of this phase is to convert the right ideas into the best designs, present the creation to different end-users, get their feedback, and refine. The design ideas can be represented as interactive wireframes, paper prototypes, and semi-functioning prototypes that reflect a business’s brand.

Techniques Used During The Design Phase

Workflow Diagram

Also known as an activity diagram, a workflow diagram is a form of graphical representation of actions and activities that are carried out by a system’s user. With a workflow diagram, it becomes simple for a UX designer to know how, when, and where a user will interact with different parts of the asset’s UI.

The benefits of having a workflow diagram are given below.

  • A clear representation of the interactions between users and the digital asset.
  • A workflow diagram will give the insights that are easily learnable.


A workflow wireframe is that step which will let UX designers define how an idea of an application or website will take shape in the form of a digital product. A successful wireframe will require a UX designer to put her/his immense creativity and construction.

Top advantages of deploying a wireframe in UX designing are listed below.

  • A good wireframe is always built to test as well as refine the page navigation.
  • Know which interactive elements in a web design will improve the UX.

Paper Prototype

This is the design process that involves the UX specialists to create hand-sketched, rough drawings of the UI that can be used in the usability testing for gathering feedback. In this phase, the participants will be needed to click on the page where screens will be manually presented as per user interactions.

These two points explain how much important is paper prototyping in the first place.

  • This technique is proven to test the feasibility and usability of initial ideas.
  • Paper prototyping is a winner when it comes to designing for a range of upcoming or less popular devices


It is in the production phase where high-fidelity, approved designs are fleshed out. This is the phase where any leading web designing company will create the actual content for a variety of digital assets. The production phase even includes the development and deployment of high-fidelity versions of the digital assets that are reviewed by end-users and internal customers during the user-testing sessions. During this phase, the main role of any UX designer shifts from creating value-driving concepts to developing valuable digital products that will keep the vision of the project intact.

Techniques Used During The Production Phase

User Testing

This phase involves the users to interact and operate with the digital asset, asking them to carry out the testing tasks. This testing can be done by the users while they are on the go, so that adds to its convenience too. As a user-centered approach, user testing can be used for making mission-critical UX design decisions.

Top reasons why user testing is used are mentioned below.

  • Well-timed user-testing schedules optimize the development time.
  • If done correctly, user testing will even bring down the number of changes to be done.

Unmoderated Remote Usability Test

This production technique analyzes the satisfaction levels of users from a digital asset’s interface and its operability. The data captured through this usability testing can be through either click-stream or through a video that provides a qualitative insight into end-user behavior.

The benefits of using the unmoderated remote usability test are as follows.

  • This test works well when audiences are geographically dispersed.
  • This testing technique takes very less time when compared with the time taken by moderated usability testing.

Beta Launch

In this phase, only a group of select users will use the digital asset. This is the final production phase where the product will be launched to get the exact feedback covering all the major improvement areas. Once the beta launch is finished, the digital assets will be made available for the wider public.

The reasons why the beta launch is trusted by nearly every reliable web UX design company are here.

  • Beta releases will give an insight into the areas of improvement that may make or break the UX
  • The insights and learning from beta releases can sometimes be used for developing a spin-off digital product.

So here are all the steps that cover the entire UX process. If any of these steps are missed or performed incorrectly, any UX designer will create unimpressive experience for its users.

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Top Reasons That Make HTML5 the Future of Web Designing https://www.flexsin.com/blog/top-reasons-that-make-html5-the-future-of-web-designing/ https://www.flexsin.com/blog/top-reasons-that-make-html5-the-future-of-web-designing/#comments Tue, 25 Jul 2017 13:30:29 +0000 admin https://www.flexsin.com/blog/?p=1918 HTML5 has the right elements that let developers tackle complex challenges coming in the web-development landscape. These tasks include everything ranging from creating dynamic 3D user interfaces to manipulating a user’s webcam. In a way, this newest specification from the HTML family has redefined the way users consume the content.

Streamlining Built-in Audio-Video Playback

Previously, webmasters worked with complex plug-ins such as Adobe Flash Player, Silverlight, and Quicktime to make websites have playable audio-video files. This time-eating deployment procedure was fraught with countless errors.

However, with the arrival of HTML5, things changed for the better. This framework has helped webmasters implement audio and video files on the website. Whether it is .MP4 format or the .ogg format, this language has empowered browsers to execute audio-video playback seamlessly.

The deployment of different audio and video files on a website has enabled developers to create rich, interactive UX. (Maybe that is why UI/UX Design Services Providers choose HTML5 over other web-development frameworks.)

Reimagining the Intent of Content and Design

Through HTML5, developers define what a page’s element means; this language makes users know which part of the content is the heading and which one is the paragraph—this surely streamlines the work of developers and designers.

Apart from defining different parts of the content and design, it enables the developers to define the purpose of content and design on a site. Every leading web design company explains these purposes to design a spectacular web solution.

The computers cannot differentiate between a “Blog” page and an “About Us” section. However, with this new markup language, computers know a webpage’s different sections. Plus, once the developers describe the content’s and the web design’s purposes and intents, a website becomes search-engine friendly as well.

Optimizing the Code for the Future
The earlier versions of HTML made coding extremely messy. Making even simple changes on a website became a nightmare for webmasters. But, then, came HTML5 along with a range of benefits including code optimization.

This newest form of markup language makes the code cleaner, shorter, and more optimized than ever. And a clean code is preferred by the ever-changing algorithms of leading search engines such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo.

In addition to code optimization, coding in this framework also promotes readability of the web content. Once a site’s content becomes easily readily, it even becomes easily understandable. And those sites having easy-to-understand content find their rank getting pushed up on search engines.

Improving Cross-Browsing Compatibility

The past saw some websites facing troubles working on one browser while they ran perfectly well on a different browser. The reason for this difference in performance was that the site lacked cross-browsing compatibility.

HTML5 developers noted this difference and built a framework to support cross-browsing compatibility. So end-users will find that the sites written on HTML5 will run perfectly well not only on Google Chrome but also on Firefox, Safari, or Opera.

That is not all as this framework has supported offline caching. That is, no matter whether an end-user is connected to the internet, a few webpages will load for sure. (This, however, will happen only if the user has visited those pages once.)

HTML5 has many benefits, and that is precisely why web development and designing companies use this framework for creating highly interactive web properties. Further, designers even use this language to reduce the site’s dependency on JavaScript. So whether it is about designing a website or a web app, pick HTML5 to streamline any web solution of any size.

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Powerful UX Tips to Convert Casual Visitors into Loyal Customers https://www.flexsin.com/blog/powerful-ux-tips-to-convert-casual-visitors-into-loyal-customers/ https://www.flexsin.com/blog/powerful-ux-tips-to-convert-casual-visitors-into-loyal-customers/#comments Wed, 07 Jun 2017 04:29:11 +0000 admin https://www.flexsin.com/blog/?p=1871

A website’s UX (user experience) can make the business lose its customers if the experience is not engineered and optimized well. It is disheartening for a business when visitors on its website browse without buying. This lack of motivation to click on the “Buy” button can be because the site may not be creating and delivering powerful UX. Just offering good products is not enough today – the presentation matters a lot as well.

If a business presumes that delivering high-quality products is enough to make fickle-minded visitors strong-minded customers, then it is high time to dispel such misconceptions. When the business is online, product quality is as important as its presentation.

The presentation or UX should be enriching, helpful, informative and adaptive right from the time a visitor enters the web space. A site with power-packed experience will always lead its visitors to click on the final “Confirm” button while they are checking out. Bad UX, however, will always force the visitors to click on the dreadful “X” that will make them leave the website.

Now, the million-dollar question is, “How should a business create influential UX that results in sales, returned customers and generates fresh leads?” That is precisely what is answered in this post. So let us dive into the factors that create result-driven UX for a web property.

Reduce the Loading Time to Boost Sales

A site’s UX begins right from the very moment a customer enters it. So it does not actually matter whether a site is beautiful or creative – if it is not loading on time, it is not selling on time. A high loading time will make the visitors of any site bored and frustrated, and that is what increases its bounce rate too.

As per Radware, in 1999, visitors waited patiently for nearly eight seconds for a site to load: now, however, things have changed as 57 percent of visitors will leave a partially loaded site in a matter of just three seconds. Put simply, if the site is slow to load, it will reduce the conversion rates and the sales.

Optimize the Copy So That It Sells

Headlines, web content and call to action – these elements build a website’s copy, and if it is not compelling, it is not selling. The site’s copy should be optimized with relevant information and appropriate keywords so that it lets the visitors/readers make the final buying decision.

For instance, the headlines need to be short and to the point; if the business can afford relevant wordplay in headlines, then it is always welcome. Apart from that, if the business is having dedicated product pages, then it is wise to populate those pages with relevant yet to-the-point content. One tip: Use bullet points whenever product descriptions are written so that the content is easy to scan.

Unleash the Power of On-Site Blog

As per a survey by HubSpot, any business investing in its in-house blog can acquire 60 percent more customers than the ones that aren’t investing in this strategy. Like a web copy, a blog is one of the best ways of lending a brand a unique voice. For example, if there is a web design company, it has to write blogs depicting the latest trends of designing web properties.

Plus, the site’s blog needs to be keyword-rich. it should have content that is both informative and promotional. To cut a long story short, a blog offers a business an opportunity to display its expertise in the market. Similarly, a blog should also prompt its users – customers and visitors alike – to sign up for a newsletter. In short, writing blogs is the best way of creating and sustaining brand credibility in today’s competitive landscape.

Now, after going through this post, a business will certainly know the importance of building rich UX for a website. If any business is facing low conversions or empty sales funnel due to poor UX, then it should get in touch with a reliable UI/UX design services provider right away. Such a service provider will have the expertise to craft and deploy rich UX to take the existing user experience to the next level.

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Innovative UX revolutionizes customer experience in today’s digital era https://www.flexsin.com/blog/innovative-ux-revolutionizes-customer-experience-in-today%e2%80%99s-digital-era/ https://www.flexsin.com/blog/innovative-ux-revolutionizes-customer-experience-in-today%e2%80%99s-digital-era/#comments Fri, 28 Apr 2017 13:22:17 +0000 admin http://www.flexsin.com/blog/?p=1838

Good user experience, or UX, builds improved customer experience. Still the UX part is often overlooked when it is about building fresh digital experience for visitors, prospects, and customers. A business that puts the UX of its web design on the back burner cannot build and sustain innovative customer experience.

Prioritizing web design and UX will surely pay the dividends. A business should always emphasize UX just like its customer service-never deprioritizing it ever. That is exactly why better UX leads to better customer experience every time. Let’s, explore the different ways why a company may not take its UX seriously.

Why Today’s Corporate World Overlooks Its Web Design’s UX?

UX is hard to analyze, measure, and sustain. Further, countless research works and every leading web design company prove that the best experience is the one that is simple. Some experienced webmasters even claim that reliable UX comes with invisible experience. Now, achieving simple or invisible UX is hard and only a handful of companies have really achieved this feat.

Lack of understanding affects the UX

The key issue with today’s corporate world is that many companies do not include their web UXs into their customer experience paradigms. A few businesses may even have executives that are not at all familiar with the concept of UX. And this lack of familiarization may let these business executives completely ignore the web UX.

Measuring ROI is a complex thing

Last reason why many companies are less keen to include this element in its overall customer experience strategy is that it is hard to measure ROI contributed by the UX. A company needs to develop and execute a robust strategy that can estimate the ROI that a web UX strategy develops.

What Should Companies Do To Create Powerful UX On The Web?

Analyzing UX for a captivating web presence

First things first, a business’s website has to be thoroughly analyzed so that any gaps in the UX may be found and fixed. While analyzing, a business will notice a number of changes that may be simple to execute; while doing such an UX analysis, businesses may even find the need to execute changes that are riskier to execute. So for executing big-ticket, risky changes on the UX, it is better to rely on a dependable web design company that offers a range of website design services.

Reimaging UX for building web excellence

Businesses should get customer/prospect/visitor feedback for the website. Based on the feedback, the business should redesign its UX. Customizing UX as per visitor’s feedback is the best way to enrich the experience of every visitor or user of the web property. By optimizing its web presence keeping in mind the needs of users, a company may create sheer excellence on the internet.

Collaborating With Web-Design Leaders Cultivates Enriching UX

If a business is not sure about how will it redefine its UX for the better, then it is important for the company to leverage innovative web design services from a credible design company. By collaborating with a leading website designer, a business will give the key responsibility of UX development to a player that has the experience and expertise to do it.

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2 top web-designing errors every business should know about https://www.flexsin.com/blog/2-top-web-designing-errors-every-business-should-know-about/ https://www.flexsin.com/blog/2-top-web-designing-errors-every-business-should-know-about/#comments Mon, 23 Jan 2017 13:29:52 +0000 admin http://www.flexsin.com/blog/?p=1706 web-designing

In the 1990s, things like AOL and GeoCities dominated a large part of the internet. However, web design has evolved since its inception and has become more focused on user experience (UX) and usability. The evolution of web design even gave rise to companies that deliver more polished website design services.

Additionally, there is no dearth of studies examining a site’s speed, typography, content layouts, etc. The latest research works on web designing and related trends have a few interesting findings to share. So here they are.

Research works and findings point toward an interesting anomaly

Both research works, which are analyzed in this post, come from one of the most respected UX consultations on the Earth right now — Nielsen Norman Group. This company is in the business of researching web-designing UX and allied stuff for two decades.

One of its earliest studies — published in circa 1996 — studied the drawbacks in the designs of websites of that period. These designs were problematic, but the errors were justified; that is because the field was still fresh, and there was a lot to be explored. However, will those slip-ups be permissible in today’s web design? The answer is a simple “no.”

Today, many businesses and designers think two decades must have taught designers new things, so they must be making fresh mistakes. But as far as mistakes go, that is not the case. The truth — Web designing has become more sophisticated than ever; the sad truth — the designers still make mistakes that their predecessors made.

A large-scale study on usability from the same Nielsen Norman Group was taken in 2016, and the study found that the opposite was true. Instead of learning from their past mistakes, the designers have consistently repeated them.

The reason why a designer has repeated the same set of mistakes time and again is because the person has ignored the basics of web designing blatantly. Which is why this post shares the top two web-designing mistakes that have become nearly immortal? However, first, here are the basics of good web designing.

What are the basics that web designers should remember before beginning their workdays?

Before going through the top two errors, let us just read the things that designers should remember.

  • Empowering the visitors to fetch information easily and quickly
  • Enabling the visitors to go through the content without much scrolling and typing
  • Allowing the visitors to know where to click, when to click and where the click will take them

The two wrongs that should be undone to make better designs

Designing error number 1 — lacking the basic element: clarity

Unclear designs continue to be the most stubborn error that a website designer makes today. The designers, it seems, do not sympathize with a site’s users or visitors; that is why they create websites having unclear designs. The analyzed study found that the most common mistakes that led to unclear web designs included:

  • Competing categories and links
  • Unexpected location of content on the site
  • Hidden prices and fees

Designing error number 2 — UX problems should never be overlooked

Every web designer should aim for making a simple, eye-friendly, intuitive design. For that, the site should create stellar UX. However, the study found five common UX-related mistakes that nearly every second designer commits. These mistakes comprise:

  • Giving islands of information on a webpage’s tight real estate
  • Creating link repetition
  • Making users stranded on microsites
  • Giving inadequate search results
  • Having flawed facets and filters

So here are the top two web-designing mistakes that webmasters commit unknowingly. However, every leading web design company worldwide has already taken note of these errors and is doing its bit to undo the wrongs and make web surfing pleasant experience for everyone.

Web development

Incorporating effective web development practices is crucial for addressing the identified web-designing mistakes and enhancing user experience. Web developers play a vital role in optimizing website performance, ensuring seamless navigation, and implementing user-friendly features. By prioritizing web development alongside design efforts, businesses can create websites that are both visually appealing and functionally efficient, ultimately delivering an exceptional user experience.

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Web Design Trends in 2017: What Can We Expect? https://www.flexsin.com/blog/web-design-trends-in-2017-what-can-we-expect/ https://www.flexsin.com/blog/web-design-trends-in-2017-what-can-we-expect/#comments Tue, 29 Nov 2016 12:27:06 +0000 admin http://www.flexsin.com/blog/?p=1663 Web Design

Born of innovation, trends are the driving factors for change that systematically push a web designing industry forward for the better. This post briefly discusses some trends in the web design industry that would be seen in the year 2017.

1. UI patterns and framework

Increasing popularity of pre-designed themes, mobile-first, responsive approach in web designing has remarkably impacted how many desktops based websites function and appear today.

More and more UX and UI patterns have emerged across the web nowadays, where many websites appear and function in very efficient manner as they layouts are honed to provide delighting user experience. Consistent UI and UX patterns are leading the web design India for the purpose of becoming a more consistently user-friendly place to be.

UI and UX kits can easily style and manipulate the appearance and performance of different websites. These kits help designers to provide the users with tried and tested design functionality straight out of the boxes.

Many brands such as Google have precisely implemented many of these principles within their mobile based applications. Apart from this, many other brands are implementing on their own websites and mobile based applications, in order to enhance the experience of the users.

2. More brands adopt a mobile-first approach

In this approach, content is precisely designed to specifically fit on mobile and smaller devices first. After that, the designers work up to design content to fit the large screened devices like laptops and desktops.

As compared to desktops and tablets, the smartphones come with smaller screens that limit the amount of content that a user can view. Due to this, brands are forced to do-away with any content which isn’t 100% necessary. It allows them to add it in, along with the additional pictorial whistles for users as they switch up to large screened devices.

More web design companies across the world are realizing the importance of having a website that effectively delivers content on a smaller screen of smartphones as these are extensively used by young generations for browsing the web. The method of designing websites for smaller screen of smart phones and then working up to the bigger ones is known as mobile-first web design approach.

3. Extensive utilization of rapid prototyping tools

Rapid prototyping tools, although not a design trend per se, are definitely one of the important breakthroughs that hit the web design world over the last year. Marvel, invasion, webflow, UXpin and other rapid prototyping tools allow web designers to quickly create high fidelity prototypes of website.

In addition to this, it helps designers to gauge the usability and appearance of websites. Owing to their optimum functionality, ease of operation and user-friendliness, rapid prototyping tools let you see how the finished product would appear and performs in different browsers.

The use of rapid prototyping tools in the web design India saves precious hours, would-be setbacks and resources. If you make use of rapid prototyping tools, customers can get to experience how the website design will work and appear.

Rapid prototyping tools help the web design company to quickly design content within the browsers. It also generates code for developers and designers, to be able to use and implement right away.

4. Broader implementation of responsive design

Neither responsive design nor mobile first are new for 2017! More and more web design companies are now engaged in the development and designing of responsive websites.

Responsive website is essentially an approach for the development and designing of a website using different CSS media queries. In addition to this, flexible layouts and grids are used for the designing and development of responsive websites.

For the purpose of creating dynamic website that adjusts its content to best display itself on devices of various screened sizes and designs, the use of websites with responsive layout is recommended.

While the mobile first design focuses on the appearance of website whereas the responsive designing approach effectively implements it on the website. It allows businesses to get websites that work effectively on mobiles, tablets, desktops and other large screened devices.

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6 features that make a landing page stand out https://www.flexsin.com/blog/6-features-that-make-a-landing-page-stand-out/ https://www.flexsin.com/blog/6-features-that-make-a-landing-page-stand-out/#comments Wed, 07 Sep 2016 13:33:01 +0000 admin http://www.flexsin.com/blog/?p=1587 Web design company

It takes only 10 seconds for visitors to get convinced whether they should stick to a landing page or not, so those moments are crucial to converting a visitor into a prospect. Because of that, it has become important to optimize a landing page. But many are unaware of the characteristics that every good landing page must have. This is why this post gives all its readers the low-down on the features that every great landing page has.

A landing page must be clean

A good landing page must never be an eyesore; it must boast a clean design that is simple to navigate. A landing page’s design must not aim to play a hide-and-seek game; rather, it should present its offerings as clearly as possible. A dangerous temptation shared by many web designers is to fill every corner of the landing page with information. But visitors just want a solution, so ignore the bells and whistles. Here are the tips that every business that is about to design a landing page must follow.

  • Let the design be clear and simple.
  • Include only necessary pieces of information.
  • The tone (content) of the page must cajole visitors to strike a conversation with the business

Limit the page’s navigation

Likewise, a business (along with its hired web design company) must avoid the temptation to link each page of its site to the landing page. This page will have one purpose—guiding visitors to take a defined action; they will take a definite action if this page’s navigation is easy to follow.

The page’s headline needs to be catchy

A headline of a landing page is the first point where the entire space will attempt to have a conversation with its visitors. A headline in this space should try to pique the visitors’ curiosity with a statement or a question that is relevant to their needs. In short, the headline of this page must be irresistible so that they should stay on this page.

Interact with visitors on an emotional level

In a landing page, a business must always address the issue of its visitors. Many landing pages do not follow this golden rule; rather, businesses, generally, give in to the temptation to talk about themselves on a landing page or detail their journey to glory. However, such useless scraps of information will never solve any of your visitors’ problems. So reserve this space to talk about visitors and how a business can solve their issues.

Get a clear call to action

Businesses should never assume that visitors would take action by themselves. That is, a landing page must have a very clear, bold call to action. Leading web designing firms, offering UI/UX design in India, avoid putting a timid “Click Here” option or the vague “Submit” option as the call to-action button. So call to action should directly address a visitor’s problem. Further, a landing page’s call-to-action button must be clear and strong and must convey how a business can solve a visitor’s problem.

Test the page frequently

Start the content strategy of the landing page with a very clear mindset. And that strategy must be implemented once the landing page is fully designed. Before making the page live, the business along with the hired web development agency must test the landing page thoroughly to ensure that all the elements (design and navigation), including the content strategy, are functioning well.

By putting each of these features within its landing page, a business will ensure that 10 seconds are enough to convert a visitor to take necessary actions and become a prospect.

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The Art of Creating Websites That Are Built to Perform Globally https://www.flexsin.com/blog/the-art-of-creating-websites-that-are-built-to-perform-globally/ https://www.flexsin.com/blog/the-art-of-creating-websites-that-are-built-to-perform-globally/#comments Tue, 26 Jul 2016 13:30:15 +0000 admin http://www.flexsin.com/blog/?p=1545 Web design company

While a company is planning to design a fresh website, it’ll have to keep in mind a couple of things like navigational elements, typography, SEO, style sheets, site structure, etc.—right from the planning stage. However, among so many elements, there is one thing that can be overlooked; it’s about localizing your website to appeal the local visitors no matter from where they are accessing it.

If, however, the business does not plan to cater to a range of multilevel audiences, then the webmasters need not take the pains. Nevertheless, if the business plans to expand its reach, then it will have to factor in the global audiences—they will doubtless play a crucial role to let the business touch new heights of wonders.

And if there is even a single shred of doubt on the significance of global audiences, it will be better to refer to the Internet World Statistics figures which reveal that there is a whopping 832.5 percent growth of the Internet users worldwide. (The data was collected from 2000 to 2015.) That is why it is better to know these three steps of creating a website that can match global competition.

Use images with text

Graphics and images are integral to any website. The web designers may select images and graphics as per the area/country where the site is built. However, these images and other similar items must cater to the needs of the site’s audiences worldwide.

If the site uses imagery that includes pictures of happy customers or pictures of professional-looking people sitting at the conference table, then the webmasters will have to question, “This is what people—especially, the global audience—will relate to?”

The answer to the query is a clear “No.” So if the business is catering to a larger group of audiences, the images must contain a bit of text. Now, when the text is embedded within the image, it is important to relate it with the countries the business is targeting. For this purpose, it is better to get premium web design services that can embed text in images easily, neatly, and quickly.

Leave space for foreign languages

While designing a site, the real estate, indeed, is at a premium. Often it is seen that the text (in English) fits perfectly well on a page. Once the translation of that very text is done, it spills over the entire page. Now, that is an eyesore and is one of the biggest problems for countless web designers.

For example, take the word “view”; in Portuguese, this word is “visualizações”—now that is 2.6 times the size that the English variant of the word takes. So how will this extra text fit easily and neatly within constrained div elements? The answer is simple: UTF-8 and the special features of HTML5. This specific variant of encoding was developed to solve this very problem only.

With HTML5 specs, a lot of webmasters can use special characters neatly within a page. (The HTML5 specs contain specific code points representing more than 110,000 characters. Now, that is, indeed, huge.)

Content optimization and translation

On the Internet, languages and the writings do not conform to a rigid structure. For this purpose, the visitors worldwide see a lot of idioms and slangs on the page. Sadly, these slangs or idioms do not really translate accurately in other languages; rather, the literal meanings of these slangs and idioms can easily garble the content.

So to overcome this, it is crucial to have the translated content get reviewed before it is published globally. Once this specific content is reviewed, it is good to get it internationalized. With this step, the business will ensure that the content’s context, intent, and original language are intact.

Also, while writing content for a website, it is good to never use idioms and slangs. The content must be direct and must have the X factor; also, if the content has to be framed for a larger international audience, it must be kept as simple as possible so that its meaning is never distorted even on translation.

Web development

Building a website that caters to a global audience requires careful consideration of various elements, including web development. The structure and functionality of the website must be designed to accommodate users from diverse regions and languages. Web developers play a crucial role in ensuring that the website is optimized for international audiences, with features such as multilingual support and responsive design. By incorporating web development best practices, businesses can create a user-friendly and accessible website that resonates with global visitors.

So whenever it comes to building the best website for global audiences, it is apt to leverage the services of a reliable Web design company. The hired player must have the right experience and deep expertise to create web spaces for companies catering to international audiences.

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6 eCommerce Designing Pitfalls That Can Break a Website https://www.flexsin.com/blog/6-ecommerce-designing-pitfalls-that-can-break-a-website/ https://www.flexsin.com/blog/6-ecommerce-designing-pitfalls-that-can-break-a-website/#comments Tue, 26 Apr 2016 10:08:33 +0000 admin http://www.flexsin.com/blog/?p=1415 eCommerce Designing

Today, the Internet landscape is strewn with eCommerce websites of different types and sizes. The seemingly unfulfilled desire of every entrepreneur to sell products and to do business online has led to the rapid demand of eCommerce solutions services. Nowadays, every start-up wishes to have its own eCommerce portal where it can sell its products—without relying on any business intermediary.

However, before any start-up and its hired team of web developers start designing an eCommerce site, it is better to know a thing or two about the designing errors (which have plagued this domain for quite a long time).

The key problems why an e-commerce website is unable to attract visitors and to convert them into buyers are credited to its:

  • Unattractive User Interface (UI)
  • Unsatisfactory User Experience (UX) design

So, now, it is advisable to go through the problems which are related to an eCommerce website’s UX design and UI.

Poor navigation

Any eCommerce website must boast an intuitive navigational interface. Visitors judge the website by the ease with which they can move around it and find whatever they are looking for (on it). For that reason, a good eCommerce website design must use:

  • Multiple sorting and filtering options so that the visitors can easily search the products they are looking for
  • Breadcrumb navigation to let users know exactly where (on the site) they are located

So it is wise to take care of these two points while building an eCommerce site. That is because if these two points are taken care of, such a site can have what it takes to attract prospects and transform them into patrons.

Inappropriate product details

Visitors of a brick-and-mortar store have the leisure to pick a product, feel it, and then judge whether to go for it or not. However, the same leisure cannot be felt by the visitors of an e-shopping website. In such virtual stores, the product-related content is the only way a visitor can pick, feel, and touch the product. In short, this content will only let the buyer make the final buying decision.

However, many online shopping stores, it seems, do not give the due importance to this content. And for that reason, lots and lots of customers bounce to some other shopping portal if they are unable to find an informative, concise, creative product description.

Ideally, a product detail must carry information pertaining to:

  • Weight
  • Dimension
  • Material
  • Size
  • Color

Plus, each of these fragments of information should be weaved into a product description creatively. That is the challenge for the content team of an online shopping store; and that is the challenge that, if surmounted, can attract lots of customers.

Unappealing call-to-actions

Call-to-action buttons make or break a patron, so the webmaster along with the business owner has to pay proper attention while designing them. Also referred to as the CTA buttons, they must be attractive and prominent. In a way, they should be designed to lure the customer to click on them.

Here are the five prominent characteristics that every high-converting CTA should have.

  • CTA buttons can be in a question form such as “Do you want to know more?”
  • CTA buttons can be a bit subtle (especially for those eCommerce websites that are selling aesthetic, stylish merchandise). For example, a fashion clothing website can have the CTA button, “The selection is yours to explore…”
  • These buttons need to be really simple yet eye catching. An ideal CTA button must have contrasting colors and a straightforward message.
  • While designing a CTA button, every eCommerce solutions company likes experimenting with its shape.
  • If the website is having a banner CTA, the designers must adopt a design that has minimal bells and whistles; plus, its content, as always, needs to be attractive yet short.

Tiring check-out process

When a visitor drops a line in the site’s virtual feedback box, “Make the site easy…” it does not only imply making the site load quickly; rather, this feedback will also imply that the check-out process needs to be streamlined.

For making the check-out process simpler, the site must have the following features:

  • The virtual buying cart must be visible from every webpage.
  • It is apt if the cart includes the shipping charges as well to bring down the levels of ambiguity.
  • The shopping cart should be able to quickly process the total amount of bill with no downtime.
  • If it is possible, ensure that only a single check-out page must be there where the visitors can check their orders and enter the information related to plastic money.

In brief, every change in the site must directly or indirectly ensure that its check-out process becomes quick.

Unambiguous shipping and return policies

It is obvious that a well-written easily found shipping and return policies instill trust among the visitors—especially, the first-timers—of the website. The designers have to make sure that not even a single confusing word must creep into these policies; otherwise, the site will never enjoy a healthy stream of visitors/prospects/customers.

And even if there is a sense of confusion and ambiguity that is prevailing the shipping and return policies content, it is best to get rid of all those confounding words. Also, it is apt to have a “Contact us” page. With this page, the customer/visitor/prospect can easily contact the site’s admin, or the business owner, or the sales team, or the customer service department in case of any query.

Lack of dedicated searching capabilities

If the visitors know exactly what they are here for, they will prefer a search engine any day over the filters—the ones that we discussed in the first point. For that reason, it is best suited if the website is equipped with sophisticated searching capabilities; because that will basically improve the overall buying process.

Search engines can be found in every large eCommerce site; however, this feature is even appreciated in a new online store that does not have a lot of products/services. An online store’s search engine must have the following capabilities:

  • Searching is made possible via product name
  • Searching is made possible via product category
  • Finding the product based on several filters such as “most sold,” “most popular,” “new items,” or “lowest price.”

After reading each of these mistakes, it goes without saying that every eCommerce website designer or owner must avoid falling into any of these six pitfalls. If all these glitches are taken care of, then the world of online shopping is ready to be conquered.

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The Perfect Guide to Designing Sellable Landing Pages https://www.flexsin.com/blog/the-perfect-guide-to-designing-sellable-landing-pages/ https://www.flexsin.com/blog/the-perfect-guide-to-designing-sellable-landing-pages/#comments Tue, 22 Mar 2016 13:13:36 +0000 admin http://www.flexsin.com/blog/?p=1378 Web DesignA website’s design includes a range of rules, which are carved in stone. However, when it comes to designing a company’s landing page, the rules are dynamic; actually, designing landing pages is science where you’ll have to experiment and innovate consistently.

It’s all about making the visitors not only land but also stick on these pages

When a landing page’s design comes into play, it has to be made to convert visitors into customers. The first and the most important point that’s to be kept in mind while designing a page is that the designer will have to find the USP of the products/services that are sold/promoted using it.

Apart from that, the landing page needs to have an enticing Call to Action (CTA) as well. The CTA must be related to either purchasing the products/services or registering somewhere. Whatever the end goal is, it can be accomplished only when the design (of the landing page) is excellent.

The design tips to create high-converting landing pages

Use title case while designing headlines

A study from Conductor showed that close to two-thirds of visitors of the landing pages prefer the first letter of each word of the headline to be capitalized.

Create a copy that’s easy to scan
The content of the landing page is significant; which is why, it must be written so that it’s easy to understand. Avoid using jargon and complex, verbose sentences that visitors can’t comprehend easily. And please evade writing content in paragraphs; rather it’s better to write it in points.

Incorporate real photos

Avoid using stock images in landing pages because they don’t leave a lasting impression on the visitors. Rather, it’s better to use real images so that everything—right from the images to the products/services—is authentic.

Additionally, incorporating principles of web development into the design process can enhance the functionality and performance of landing pages, ensuring a seamless user experience and maximizing conversion rates. Every leading website design company vouches for these points when it comes to designing first-rate landing pages.

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4 Web Design Trends in 2016 That Need Attention https://www.flexsin.com/blog/4-web-design-trends-in-2016-that-need-attention/ https://www.flexsin.com/blog/4-web-design-trends-in-2016-that-need-attention/#comments Fri, 29 Jan 2016 10:13:22 +0000 admin http://www.flexsin.com/blog/?p=1287 Just like fashion trends, the ones in Web designing are ephemeral. For example, some trends, like responsive designing, stick around because of their necessity; however, there are countless others that are the result of industry shifts such as the move from a skeuomorphism design to a flat one.

In actuality, the decision to follow a trend should depend on the needs of a business; it should never depend on what is in vogue. That is because a site is built to last long and to stand the test of time, but fads fade. This is why here is a list of web designing trends that should not be followed blindly.

Hamburger menus

These days, surfing a website on a mobile device has become common. This is why the webmasters have begun the task to simplify the navigation and to do away with the clutter. And the best way to do so is with the help of a hamburger menu.

The menu indeed removes the clutter; however, that does not fit the bill for every site. Take an example of a news website; over there, the content has to be displayed on the home page because the visitors will never be patient enough to click on the hamburger menu to explore that site.

Front-page carousels

Carousels are everywhere, nowadays, because they can add visual interest and even reduce the clutter. However, as someone correctly quoted that too much of everything is bad, it is also true with this trend. If a website uses too many carousels, these carousels will make the site heavy with cookies. There are even some other problems with excessive use of carousels:

  • They are not SEO friendly.
  • They can, sometimes, adversely impact the site’s loading speed.
  • They hog the limelight and sometimes the content can even be put on the back burner.

Parallax scrolling

More and more sites have adopted parallax scrolling. As per this trend or technique, the content (images and text) in the background and the foreground scroll at a variety of speeds; this, further, creates an optical illusion.

However, many webmasters have keenly debated that whether this new scrolling trend has really improved the UX or not? Another thing is that it parallax scrolling is not ideal if a website should run well on both mobiles and desktops. Some other trade-offs of the parallax scrolling include:

  • This trend has affected performance adversely.
  • This fad does not comply with the latest SEO trends.

To mitigate these issues and ensure optimal performance, businesses often rely on web application development practices that prioritize efficient coding, streamlined functionality, and enhanced user experience across various devices and platforms.

Excessive JavaScript

Too many of JavaScript files running on a website can easily ruin even the finest sites. Nowadays, it seems that JavaScript is operational everywhere. (Social and WordPress plugins, especially, use them a lot.) However, using JavaScript excessively can slow the site’s loading speed.

Excess of JavaScript can be found on a site’s modern libraries as well as frameworks, including Backbone.js, Angular.js, and Knockout.js. However, try to use only minimal JavaScript because it:

  • Slows the load time
  • Makes mobile browsing really slow and unappealing
  • Hampers even security
  • Disables many SEO functionalities on a site

Keep checking this space for more of such useful tips and information pertaining to website design services and other interesting elements of the digital landscape.

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Empower Businesses by Investing in Web Solutions https://www.flexsin.com/blog/empower-businesses-by-investing-in-web-solutions/ https://www.flexsin.com/blog/empower-businesses-by-investing-in-web-solutions/#comments Fri, 28 Aug 2015 06:49:44 +0000 admin http://www.flexsin.com/blog/?p=1185 Service providers follow a complex business model that changes when the requirements of their targeted consumers change. For that reason, such companies search for that one element, which empowers their business models to adapt to the targeted consumers’ dynamic buying impulses; that one element is web development.

How web development sits well with the ever-changing business models of service providers?

Every business, whether offering products or services, has to invest sizably in web development activities. That is because a business needs to have a web presence that not only appears pleasant but also functions well.

A seamlessly functioning site is possible if these service providers invest periodically in web development and design tasks. Web development activities comprise the technical aspects that are necessary for the site to run properly. In general, the web development activities include:

  • Client-side coding
  • Server-side coding
  • Database technology

Why service providers need investing in the latest web development tasks?

Web development is essential to support a business website or a web app. And a site and an app are two of the most popular marketing tools for businesses that wish growing big by leveraging the Internet.

  • A site is the perfect marketing tool: A well-functioned website is a business’s face on the net. For that purpose, a businessperson along with web developers and webmasters should create a website that can be aligned with a company’s brand strategy and values.
  • Customers can find a business in a click: Nowadays, customers browse the Internet for buying everything—right from a pin to an airplane. So, a business will be left behind if it does not have a well-maintained and well-designed site. With an active site, a business can get one step closer to its prospects.
  • Use custom development solutions: Most businesses make a beeline for custom web development solutions that are offered by several web development and designing companies. These customized development solutions are rendered keeping in mind the specific needs and requirements of businesses.

So, every business should know their requirements first and then approach a web development and designing company.

Additionally, incorporating web app development into their web development strategy can further expand their digital presence and enhance user engagement through interactive and dynamic web applications.

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